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Join Us Every Sunday at 1pm

Welcome to Our Holy Trinity International Church in Münster

Every Sunday, our doors open wide to welcome members and visitors alike for a day of worship, reflection, and community. Join us for services in German, English, or French and experience the warmth and inclusivity of our multicultural congregation.

Unity and Membership

At the heart of our church is a vibrant sense of unity that binds us all. Being a member of our congregation is not just about attending services; it’s about being part of a close-knit community that supports and uplifts each other in all of life’s journeys. Our doors are open every Sunday, welcoming members old and new to join in worship and fellowship.

The benefits of being part of our church extend beyond the spiritual nourishment of regular services. As a member, you are embraced into a family-like community where everyone is valued and cared for. Our multicultural environment enriches this experience, allowing you to form connections that are both deep and diverse, truly embodying the spirit of inclusivity.

Jesus ist der Weg, die Wahrheit und das Leben. Niemand geht zum Vater außer durch Ihn.
Johannes 14:6

Our Church Location

An der Christuskirche , 48165 Münster

Why Our Church Stands Out


Welcoming Community

Experience a warm, welcoming environment where everyone feels like part of the family, regardless of background or nationality.


Multicultural Harmony

Our services in German, English, and French reflect our vibrant, multicultural community, embracing diversity as our strength.


Family-Oriented Activities

We offer a variety of family-oriented activities that foster strong community bonds and lifelong friendships.


Spiritual Growth

Engage with our numerous programs designed to promote spiritual growth and personal development in a supportive setting.


Community Service

Get involved in our community service initiatives that impact lives positively and spread kindness and compassion.


Cultural Celebrations

Join us in celebrating a wide array of cultural events that honor our diverse congregational heritage and foster unity.

Join Our Community

Unsere Kirche ist ein Ort, an dem Menschen aus allen Nationen, Kulturen und Hintergründen zusammenkommen, um Gott zu ehren, Gemeinschaft zu teilen und einander zu ermutigen.

Wir glauben fest daran, dass die Liebe Gottes keine Grenzen kennt und dass wir als eine Familie in Christus vereint sind.

Unser Glaube ist auf der Bibel gegründet, dem Wort Gottes, das uns lehrt, wie wir leben sollen und wie wir unsere Beziehung zu Gott und zueinander stärken können.

In unseren Gottesdiensten feiern wir die Liebe Gottes, singen Loblieder und hören inspirierende Predigten, die uns herausfordern und ermutigen, unserem Glauben praktisch Ausdruck zu verleihen.